Do you think that these are the best solutions for your problem?

mercredi 7 août 2013

mutilation self

What is mutilation self? Why is that?

mutilation selfis a general term for a "complex set of behaviors" that results in the destruction of a person's own tissues. These behaviors, including scratching,mutilation self burns or cuts in the skin, hair pulling, broken bones,mutilation self amputation and enucleation of the eye, can have a variety of causes just as variables. In an attempt to understand the variability of these behaviors, and Favazza Roesnthal proposed what is now the most commonly accepted classification of self-mutilation. observable There are three categories, depending on the degree of damage, the rate and pattern of behavior.mutilation self His Major, stereotyped and superficial.

What typical appearance of self-mutilator

Major self-mutilation is most often associated with serious psychological disorders. Stereotype is the result of a disease that causes repetitive and generally unconscious injury. Superficial self-mutilation is an intentional act that is psychologically important. Often this is associated with a psychological disorder or trauma. People engaged in mutilation self cutting surface and burned wounds Excoriate, otherwise damage to their bodies as a way to experience relief from the crisis and psychological stress, and sometimes the damage is caused by absence of pain. Mutilation surface to not commit suicide, as most superficial and non-fatal injuries mutilation self.

In some cases a greater mutilation self, or a person otherwise schizophrenic hallucinations or damage the penis amputated his genitals for reasons related to sexual guilt. In addition, some superficial self-mutilators reported receiving sexual gratification from his injuries. However, in most cases of self-harm, it is neither the aim nor the result.

It is estimated that the incidence of self-mutilation is between 700-750 per 100,000 people per year. Self-harm is common among single white women from adolescence through the years. Eating disorders are strongly associated with self-mutilation surface. About 50% of people who practice FGM area also suffer from anorexia, bulimia, or both disorders.

benefits of stop smoking

The ability of our body to repair the beauty for the eyes!

In ... benefits of stop smoking

• 20 minutes

Your blood pressure,benefits of stop smoking pulse and temperature of your hands and feet are back to normal.
• 8 hours

Nicotine stays in your blood will be reduced to 6.25% of normal peak daily levels, a reduction of 93.75%.
• 12H
benefits of stop smoking
The oxygen levels in the blood increased to normal and carbon monoxide have dropped to normal.
• 24 hrs
benefits of stop smoking
Concerns peaked in intensity and within two weeks should return to levels prior to the termination nearby.
• 48 hours
benefits of stop smoking
Damaged nerve endings have started to regrow and your sense of smell and taste begin to return to normal. The anger of abandonment and irritability peaked.
• 72 hours
benefits of stop smoking
His whole body is 100% tested without nicotine and more than 90% of all nicotine metabolites (the chemicals it breaks down into) will now have passed from your body through urine. Withdrawal symptoms of chemical products reached its full intensity, including restlessness. The number of cue-induced urge episodes experienced during any day of leave will culminate for the former user "means." Pulmonary bronchi leading to air sacs (alveoli) are beginning to relax in recovering smokers. Breathing becomes easier and functional capacity of the lungs begin to rise.
• 5 - 8 days
benefits of stop smoking
The ex-smoker "means" find an "average" of three cue-induced urge episodes per day. Although you can not "tell" and although serious time distortion can make minutes feel like hours stop, it is unlikely that any single episode will last longer than 3 minutes. Keep a clock handy and time them.
• 10 days
benefits of stop smoking
10 Days - The former "average" user is down to meet less than two crave episodes per day, each less than 3 minutes.
• 10 days to 2 weeks
benefits of stop smoking
The recovery has probably progressed to the point that their addiction is the conversation. Blood circulation in the gums and teeth are now similar to that of a non-user.
• 2 to 4 weeks
benefits of stop smoking
anger related to cessation, anxiety, difficulty concentrating, restlessness, insomnia, restlessness and depression have ended. If you still have any of these symptoms observed and evaluated by your doctor.
• 21 days
benefits of stop smoking
Brain acetylcholine receptor that were upregulated in response to the presence of nicotine is down-regulated and receptor binding has returned to levels seen in the brains of non-smoking.
• 2 weeks to 3 months
benefits of stop smoking
Your risk of heart attack began to decline. Your lung function begins to improve.
• 3 weeks to 3 months
benefits of stop smoking
Its circulation has improved. Walking has become easier. Your chronic cough, if any, is likely to have disappeared. If not, get seen by a doctor, and earlier if all stakeholders, such as chronic cough may be a sign of lung cancer.
• 8 weeks
benefits of stop smoking
Insulin resistance in smokers is normalized despite the weight gain of 2.7 kg (1997 study) average.
• 1 to 9 months
benefits of stop smoking
Any smoking related sinus congestion, fatigue or shortness of breath have decreased. Cilia pushed into the lungs, increasing the ability to handle mucus, keep your lungs clean, and reduce infections. The total energy of the body is increased.
• 1 year
benefits of stop smoking
The excess risk of coronary heart disease, myocardial infarction and stroke was reduced to less than half that of a smoker.
• 5 years
benefits of stop smoking
The risk of subarachnoid hemorrhage was reduced to 59% of its risk by smoking (study 2012). If a former smoker, the risk of developing diabetes is now a non-smoker (2001 study).
• 5 to 15 years

The risk of stroke is reduced to that of a nonsmoker.
• 10 years

Their risk of being diagnosed with lung cancer is between 30% and 50% of a constant smoker (2005 study). The risk of death from lung cancer has declined by almost half if you were an average smoker (one pack per day). The risk of cancer of the mouth, throat, esophagus and pancreas decreases. The risk of developing diabetes for men and women is now similar to that of a non-smoker (2001 study).
• 13 years

The average smoker can live up to 75 years has 5.8 teeth under a non-smoker (1998 study). But 13 years after quitting, your risk of smoking induced tooth loss has declined to that of a non-smoker (2006 study).
• 15 years

Your risk of coronary heart disease is now that of a person who has never smoked. The risk of pancreatic cancer was reduced to that of a non-smoker (2011 study - but consider finding identical second to 20 years pancreas).
• 20 years
benefits of stop smoking
Female excess risk of death from any cause related to snuff, such as lung disease and cancer, has now been reduced to that of a non-smoker (2008 study). The risk of pancreatic cancer reduced to that of a non-smoker (2011 study) benefits of stop smoking.

lundi 5 août 2013

stop smoking methods

You've made the decision to quit smoking and the big day approaches. You are determined to quit smoking - but how?
For many, the choice is based to go cold turkey,stop smoking methods with some support from NHS training and guidance, and or use of smoking cessation products such as nicotine patches or Zyban Champix.
There is no "right" way to quit smoking. stop smoking methodsOne thing that is true of all programs and products to help quit smoking is that you still need to be willing and ready to work on staying stopped.
AIDS can provide support and help reduce withdrawal symptoms, but only you can be responsible for ensuring that you succeed stop smoking methods.
To help you make a decision, we have included the success rate of clinical trials for each of the following methods.
Going it alone
Many smokers try to go "cold turkey",stop smoking methods based solely on the desire to quit. It is likely that the first few weeks will be more difficult, but that does not mean you will not have to adapt to life without further treatment in the future. And unlike other methods, is free.
Unfortunately,stop smoking methods statistics show that this is the least effective way to quit smoking. For every 100 smokers who quit without help or advice, only 3-5 non-smokers remain for 12 months.
Professional help
Quitting smoking is now a priority for the NHS, so you might want to use the information and behavioral support offered.
This can be as simple as your doctor gives you advice stop smoking methods, leaflets and telephone support for an appointment, or you may be able to take part in group sessions or one-on-one once a week with a nurse or pharmacist trained to help stop smoking methods. Depending on where you live, you may also be able to attend a clinic smoking NHS.
There is nothing to stop you combine these tips with other techniques and treatments.
Ask your doctor about smoking cessation services in your area or call the toll-free advice and support smoke-free NHS or to find out what services are available where you live 0800 022 4332.
For every 100 smokers who quit with the guidance of a trained NHS , stop smoking methodsquit smoking 13 for at least six months.
Tips on how to quit smoking (eg, tips for increasing the willingness) to brochures, websites, tapes, videos, etc. with a further 100 to a smoker to quit.stop smoking methods This may not seem like much, but it's 10.000 million smokers.
Clinical studies have shown that you're twice as likely to successfully quit smoking with the help of nicotine replacement (replacement therapy nicotine - TRN) or prescription Zyban (bupropion) and Chantix (varenicline) stop smoking methods.
These drugs can reduce the severity of withdrawal symptoms and cravings that many smokers experience smoking cessation.
They can also make smoking less enjoyable if you have proof.stop smoking methods Although the work in different ways, affecting all regions of the brain that are involved in addiction.
You can purchase NRT over-the-counter, but it may be cheaper to get by your doctor stop smoking methods .
Studies have shown that smokers who quit using one of these methods are two times more likely to be smoke-free after one year than those who use no help - it's 17 CNRC 100 smokers, of which 20 100 bupropion and varenicline 23,100 stop smoking methods.
The most effective way to quit smoking is the combination of a medicament for the support to stop smoking with weekly sessions trained NHS stop smoking methods.
Hypnosis and acupuncture
Not everyone wants to take medication to help stop smoking, and there are many alternatives for you to try stop smoking methods.
Techniques such as hypnosis and acupuncture may help some smokers to quit and have few, if any, side effects.stop smoking methods But there is no evidence that the technique is more effective than quitting cold turkey.
As with any treatment,stop smoking methods be careful with the claims of high success rates - according smoking charity ASH, including rarely more effective success rate of over 30 per cent of smoking cessation programs reach.
Why so modest success rate?
In all cases,stop smoking methods the indicated rates of success for 12 months - so why so many ex-smokers are not that far?
If you have tried and failed,stop smoking methods you know physical withdrawal symptoms - cravings, irritability, poor concentration, depressed mood, etc. - are often not the most difficult part of quitting.
For most people, generally peak in the first week or two without cigarettes, then gradually disappear after a few weeks.
The hardest part is to return to long-term smoking,stop smoking methods because there are two lines addiction: physical and psychological dependency.
Physical dependence: nicotine is a stimulant and one of the most addictive drugs that induce. Even the good feelings we attach to smoking, ie, better concentration, are in fact due to the relief of withdrawal symptoms that come from cigarettes.stop smoking methods Tetchiness, lack of concentration and cravings are the way your body needs more nicotine. It is similar to hunger, a few hours after a meal, when sugar levels in the blood decreased, have the need and desire to eat. Although it is not easy to deal with the physical withdrawal symptoms are well-known difficulties in leaving addressed. Medications can offer help in the early days and weeks.
Psychological dependence: as long as you have smoked in the first place, the smoking usually leads to a daily rate, in certain situations trigger the urge to smoke a cigarette (eg, over coffee after dinner in the phone).stop smoking methods In addition to these daily habits, probably involve some psychological benefits of smoking, for example, as a way to overcome nerves, anxiety, shyness or boredom. You may also notice that you use cigarettes as a small reward and break after completing a task.stop smoking methods Breaking this emotional attachment to smoking can be difficult to master. Understand why smoking can make the difference to your success in quitting.
What is the best method?
The method you choose depends on you,stop smoking methods and you may want to discuss these options with your doctor. Whatever method you use, the support of family and friends can be crucial.
Tests such as the Fagerström test can help determine the severity of their addiction to nicotine, which may affect the method you choose.stop smoking methods Please note the following when.
It is too simplistic to connect physical dependence to stop method or the probability of success. If you are "very" addict,stop smoking methods does not mean you will not be able to quit smoking,stop smoking methods but they are more likely to require medication and support to quit smoking. But if you succeed depends on many other factors such as your personality,stop smoking methods the level of commitment, motivation to quit smoking in the first place, and how much support you get from family and friends. You might be surprised, but those who say they love their smoking habit harder to quit than those who do not enjoy it!
Smoking cessation drugs compared to physical dependence and give you the opportunity to focus on breaking your psychological addiction,stop smoking methods but still need to control. Finally, after about 8-12 weeks will have to part with these items, too.
You can successfully quit smoking without the use of smoking cessation products, even if you are a heavy smoker,stop smoking methods but your chances of doing so are about half compared to smokers who use drugs.
Unfortunately, there is no easy way to stop smoking methods. This does not mean that it is impossible or suffer terribly - boredom or lack of motivation are the likely reasons for smoking and give in to cravings stop smoking methods.
But the good news is that quitting smoking is probably the best thing you can do to improve your health and life expectancy stop smoking methods.

stop smoking uk

How to quit smoking stop smoking uk

Congratulations, you have overcome the main obstacle to quit smoking weed!

If you are a smoker of cigarettes,stop smoking uk cigars, pipe or any other form of snuff and reading this means that you no longer ignore his addiction. You may not have reached the stage where they are able to see the television commercials made by cancer patients and their families. I have not and I left three years ago.stop smoking uk For this reason, this site a page that does not go into the terrible and tragic consequences of smoking. You already know. What we will do is discuss why you smoke and how you can stop it stop smoking uk.

Why smoking

Well first of all, he worked for why you smoke.

Because I like it

I'm sorry you did not.stop smoking uk Do you think cigarette temporarily relieves the constant desire for nicotine. The current taste,stop smoking uk but it's disgusting. Did you like the first cigarette? It is unlikely that spit lungs.stop smoking uk You stay in a brand because other bad taste? This is because it is used to the taste. Try smokeing a brand I do not like two weeks and get used to the taste and smoking used to prove fault.

A cigarette made me look good

Get Real! Holding a good Cigarette.stop smoking uk I do not know how I looked to others when I smoked cigarettes. As most smokers 30 days had an unhealthy gray pallor that smelled dirty ashtrays and when I spoke I could hear my constant lung infection rattle away. Sex on a stick eh? When you give is probable that, like me,stop smoking uk look at smokers with a feeling of pity as a heroin addict. Someone who is trapped by a drug and can not escape evil.


Yes, of course. The only reason why smoking is due to nicotine. Nicotine is a drug that evil does not give any advantage.stop smoking uk All it does is to create a kind of anxiety that can be relieved by another dose of nicotine. Quit tobacco and nicotine it contains must be the goal of success. You're not quitting. You give up smoking stop smoking uk.

How to quit smoking

There are many methods to quit smoking and are listed below.stop smoking uk Remember that none of these work if you have not made up your mind that you will give up. Note that there is no section for slaughter. This is because it does not work. You're torturing, keeping the desire to go nicotien stop smoking uk.

A to Z methods give


Acupuncture involves inserting needles at key pressure points in various parts of the body. The process is painless and patients then allowed to stand for half an hour or more.stop smoking uk The needles are then removed, with the exception of two smaller remaining in the ear. The idea is to touch the earlobe when a wish comes on. No clinical examination to test the effectiveness of acupuncture to help people give up, but some smokers have found it useful stop smoking uk.

Cold Turkey

Detention without any help. While physical symptoms may be more extreme in the early days, melted in the first two or three weeks.stop smoking uk Most people quit with this method and the method I used.


Although nicotine is a drug physical dependence,stop smoking uk smoking also has many psychological associations. Hypnotherepy attempts to change the subconscious dependence on smoking as a habit mind. No clinical examination to test the effectiveness of hipnotherapy to help people give up, but some smokers have found it useful stop smoking uk.

Laser treatment

It is a new treatment developed by a former smoker who uses a laser without pain, low power to stimulate the body's energy points.stop smoking uk These in turn stimulate the production of endorphins - chemicals body to relieve physical pain - and, in theory, reduce nicotine cravings. No clinical examination to test the effectiveness of laser treatment to help people give up stop smoking uk.

NHS Smoking Helpline

The NHS Smoking Helpline is an excellent source of practical advice and support smoking and give up. Friendly helpline advisers can also provide details of your local NHS stop smoking uk and information packets.stop smoking uk Lines are open every day from 7:00 to 11:00 p.m., with consultants available 10:00 to 11:00 p.m.. Call 0800 169 0169 (for the deaf and hearing impaired, please use textphone 0800 169 0171).

Alternatively, if you want expert advice regarding smoking and pregnancy, contact the NHS Pregnancy Smoking Helpline on 0800 169 9169.stop smoking uk Lines are open daily 12am - 21:00.

NHS stop smoking uk services

The evidence shows it is more likely to stop smoking uk for good if you get the right support. Local NHS stop smoking uk services offer free advice tailored to your individual needs. Most services offer two group sessions and one-on-one, and you can gum or nicotine patches prescription help.

Find NHS stop smoking uk Service, call 0800 169 0169 or leave the text with your full postcode to 88088.

Therapy nicotine replacement (NRT)

Now available by prescription,stop smoking uk NRT is clinically proven to be twice as effective as a shot. NRT relieve withdrawal symptoms when the smoker is accustomed to not smoking and the dose is gradually reduced. For best results, follow the instructions carefully and consult your pharmacist or doctor if you are unsure of anything. NRT is available in several forms that allow you to choose the one that suits you best.

. Patches: discreet and easy to use patches work by releasing a steady dose of nicotine into the bloodstream through the skin.stop smoking uk Some patches are designed to be worn only during the day and other patches "24" are designed for use 24 hours to help prevent cravings in the morning. Paches be applied to a hairless part of your body, such as arms, but not used in the same place two days in a row.stop smoking uk You should not smoke while the patch is running, or use any other form of NRT, unless otherwise directed by your doctor. Providing a week costs clogging the region of £ 15, but now you can ask your doctor to be available for prescription.

. Rubber: Rubber allows you to control your nicotine.stop smoking uk Learn to chew gum properly is important. The idea is to chew slowly until the taste and then "park" the gum on the cheek so that the nicotine is absorbed through the lining of the mouth.

. Nasal Spray: This is the strongest form of NRT and a small bottle of nicotine solution, which is sprayed directly into the nose. Absorbed faster than any other type of NRT,stop smoking uk it can help heavy smokers, especially when other forms of NRT have failed.

. Microtab: the MicroTab is a small white tablet that is placed under the tongue and leave. Work being absorbed through the lining of the mouth.

. Diamond: it's like a candy that you breathe slowly.stop smoking uk Nicotine is given in a manner similar to MicroTab.

. MDI: a cigarette-shaped plastic of the apparatus with a cartridge mounted therein nicotine. Suck spokesman releases nicotine vapor, which is absorbed through the mouth and throat. stop smoking ukInhalers are helpful for people who lack the action of the hand to the mouth of the smoker

NRT is generally safe to use for everyone and certainly much safer than smoking. However, if you are pregnant or have heart disease, you should consult your doctor first. For more information on NRT products,stop smoking uk refer to the manufacturer of the following products:

stop smoking uk


A range of self-help materials are available that provide information and advice about quitting - the physical side effects of the details of health problems and diseases related to smoking. You can download some of the most popular order,stop smoking uk or the wide range of free resources.


Together is a new program designed to help people quit smoking. We support you every step of the way with packets of information,stop smoking uk texts, emails and calls back on the whole process of giving up. Learn more about Together

Zyban (bupropion)

Zyban is one of the new drugs on the market and is available by prescription.stop smoking uk It works by removing the part of the brain that gives the smoker a nicotine buzz from smoking a cigarette. The smoker starts taking Zyban before leaving, and the drug makes leave because they no longer receive the "hit".stop smoking uk Reduces symptoms of anxiety and withdrawal typical of anxiety, sweating and irritability. Zyban Some users have reported unpleasant side effects such as nausea, headache, dry mouth and blurred vision. Zyban is not recommended if you are pregnant, nursing, have a history of seizures, liver disease or an eating disorder. Initial results show that it is very effective, but for maximum effect to be used as part of a comprehensive plan to stop smoking uk.
While you give

Alternative to smoking

During the first weeks of being a non-smoker,stop smoking uk there are times when you crave a cigarette. Here are some ways to cope with cravings before:

Immediate substitutes:

. Place a piece of nicotine gum, nicotine MicroTab or a nicotine lozenge in the mouth.
. Call the helpline on 0800 169 0169 NHS Smoking.
. Brush your teeth and remember how much cleaner is your life now that you have given.
. Sip a glass of water or fruit juice.
. Chew sugar pill - which can release chemicals in the brain that make you feel good.
. Give something to do with your hands - playing with a stress toy or a pencil.
. Breathe deeply for a few minutes.
. Go for a walk.
. Think about what has already resigned - a body, hair and clothes clean, fresh breath healthy, more money, etc.
. Cut a straw into pieces the size of a cigarette and breathe fresh air.

If you have more time:

. Take a shower or bath.
. Read a book or enjoy a magazine.
. Count the amount of money you save and quit.
. Exercise.
. Clean your house or apartment.
. Write a letter or email.
. Go to a place where you can not smoke, like in the movies.
. Cook yourself something special and savor every bite.
. Make crossword or puzzle.
. Remember the medical conditions that smoking can contribute to cancer, leukemia, aortic aneurysm, stroke, bronchitis and emphysema, pneumonia, stomach ulcers, Crohn's disease, the osteoporosis, cataracts, erectile dysfunction men and diabetes.

Fun in the long term:

. Take up a hobby that keeps your hands busy, like painting or learning a musical instrument.
. Plan how you'll spend the money you saved - 20 cigarettes per day can cost 1,600 a year nearly £.
. Decorate your home and get rid of nicotine stains on your walls and ceilings.
. Take a sport and enjoy how much fitter you.
. Join a group to quit by their local NHS stop smoking uk.

dimanche 4 août 2013

laser stop smoking

May I present two City News employees who had volunteered for the interesting treatment: stop smoking, the use of laser therapy laser stop smoking.

Policy Specialist Richard Madam and editor Neil Mackay have both signed up to be guinea pigs with a solution Quick Stop it about a month ago laser stop smoking.

After four weeks, Health Specialist Laura Di Batista scored two laser stop smoking.

"Laura, I have not had a cigarette in months,laser stop smoking" Madam beams.

"I relapsed once," admitted Mackay laser stop smoking. "I went to a party and had a couple of cigarettes,laser stop smoking but do not try the way I used to."

And the torque demand that the laser has really helped laser stop smoking.

"He took a craving in the afternoon,laser stop smoking but it was up to me to change my habits," said Madam.

"The laser provides a good starting point eliminates the desire,laser stop smoking" Mackay accepted. "So it's more about using your mind to it. laser stop smoking"

His greatest desires are produced in their editing work area. But it has its ways to fight:

"I tried to celery and gums things" describes laser stop smoking.

Madam has its own way to success laser stop smoking.

"I feel much better.laser stop smoking I sleep better and have more energy in the morning, "he smiles.

If you are looking to get, here are some other methods that could be cheaper than $ 400 sessions:

Two viewers wrote to say by Allen Carr worked for them "easy way to stop smoking." His seminar is available in person, online and in books.

Believe it or not,laser stop smoking s science supports this assertion. When you have been hypnotized, you are more focused, more open - and open to suggestions. It helps you change your physical behavior,laser treatment to stop smoking but does not help that normally manages pension systems.

Nicotine supplements
Although many aids to quit smoking are available without prescription, it is best to consult your doctor first. The patch releases nicotine directly into the bloodstream. On the good side, it is easy to "reduce" with its dose, on the negative side, you can not change your dose immediately. Gums, lozenges,laser treatment to stop smoking  inhalers and sprays are also available.

Whatever method you choose, these tips from the Mayo Clinic can help:

Spread the word. Tell your family, friends and co-workers that you plan to quit. Ask anyone in your household who smoke to quit smoking with you.
Make it inconvenient to smoke. Keep your cigarettes in the car when you are at home or at work. Smoke "opposite". laser treatment to stop smoking Just buy a pack of cigarettes at a time. Switch to brands that you do not like.
Cut. Delaying the first cigarette of the day. Smoke only half the cigarette. A tobacco trade break a day of walking or other physical activity.
Change your habits. Avoid anything that tempt you to smoke. You can change or soda instead of coffee or alcohol,laser treatment to stop smoking go to places where smoking is not allowed, or hanging out with people who do not smoke.
Countdown to a date to stop smoking. Pick a date to quit smoking. Clearly marked on the calendar. Take a few days or weeks to prepare, but not too far to postpone the date.
Mix your smoking equipment. As the date approaches to quit smoking, get rid of your lighters, ashtrays and cigarettes hidden laser treatment to stop smoking.
Learn from your mistakes. If you have tried to quit smoking, think about what happened and what could be done differently this time.

stop smoking help

Why stop smoking help can seem so difficult
Snuff consumption is both a physical and psychological addiction habit. The nicotine from cigarettes provides a temporary,stop smoking help and addictive, high. The elimination of the regular solution of nicotine in your body to experience withdrawal symptoms and physical cravings. Because nicotine "feel good" effect on the brain, it may also have been used for smoking as a way to cope with stress, depression,stop smoking help anxiety or boredom.

At the same time, the act of smoking is ingrained as a daily ritual. It may be an automatic response you smoke a cigarette with your morning coffee while taking a break from work or school,stop smoking help or during their return journey at the end of a long day. Maybe your friends, family and colleagues smoke, and became a part of how you relate.

Successfully quit smoking, you must meet both the addiction and habits and routines that go with it stop smoking help.

Your plan to quit smoking
While some smokers quit successfully by going cold turkey, most people do better with a plan to stay on track. A good plan is both short-term challenge of quitting and the challenge of stop smoking help preventing relapse in the long term. Also be adapted to your needs and your smoking habits.

Take time to think about what type of smoker you are, what time of life called a cigarette, and why. This will help you determine which of the tips,stop smoking help techniques or therapies may be more beneficial to you.

Do you feel the need to smoke at every meal?
Are you more of a social smoker?
This is a very bad addiction (more than one pack per day)? However, it would be simple nicotine patch do the job?
stop smoking help
Is the cigarette hand when feeling stressed or down?
Are there certain activities, places or people that are associated with smoking?
Is smoking linked to other addictions, such as alcohol or gambling?
Are you open to hypnotherapy and / or acupuncture?
Are you someone who is willing to talk about their addiction with a therapist or counselor?
Are you interested in getting into an exercise program?
Start your plan to stop smoking with START
S = Set a quit date.
Choose a date in the next two weeks, if you have enough time to prepare without losing their motivation to quit. If you smoke,stop smoking help mainly at work, on the weekend if you have a few days to adapt to change stop smoking help.
T = tell family, friends and colleagues who will leave.
Let your friends and family in your plan to quit smoking and tell them that you need their support and encouragement to stop. Get a friend to quit smoking want to quit too. You can help us through difficult times.
A = anticipate and plan for the challenges you'll face just stop.
Most people who start smoking again do so in the first 3 months. You can help you make it through the common challenges of preparation, such as withdrawal and cravings for nicotine.
R = Remove cigarettes and other tobacco snuff for your home, car and work.
Discard all cigarettes (without emergency equipment!) Lighters, matches and ashtrays. Wash clothes and fresh smells like smoke. Wash your car, clean the curtains and the carpet and steam your furniture.
T = Talk to your doctor for help to quit smoking.
Your doctor may prescribe medication to help with withdrawal and propose alternatives. If you can not see a doctor, you can get many OTC products to the pharmacy or grocery store, including nicotine patches, nicotine lozenges and nicotine gum stop smoking help.
How to Quit Smoking: Identify your smoking triggers
One of the best things you can do to help stop smoking is to identify the things that make you want to smoke, including specific situations, activities, feelings and people.

Keep a journal of desire
A daily desire can help you focus on your habits and triggers. For a week or two before the quit date, keep track of your smoking stop smoking help. Consider the everyday moments when you crave a cigarette:

What time was it?
What is the intensity of desire (on a scale of 1-10)?
What were you doing?
stop smoking help
Who were you?
stop smoking help
How do you feel?
How did you feel after smoking?
Smoking to relieve unpleasant or overwhelming feelings?
Managing unpleasant feelings such as stress, stop smoking help depression, loneliness, fear and anxiety are some of the most common reasons why adults smoke. When you have a bad day, it may seem that cigarettes are your only friend.stop smoking help As cigarettes offer maximum comfort, however, it is important to remember that there are healthier (and more effective) ways to ward off unpleasant feelings. These can include exercise,stop smoking help meditation, relaxation strategies using the sense and practice of simple breathing exercises.

For many people,stop smoking help an important aspect of quitting smoking is to find other ways to manage these difficult feelings without smoking. Even when cigarettes are no longer part of your life, the painful and unpleasant feelings that may have led to smoke in the past remain.stop smoking help Therefore, it is better to spend a little time to reflect on the different ways that you plan to cope with stressful situations and the daily irritations that would normally reach for a cigarette stop smoking help.

Tips to avoid common triggers snuff stop smoking help :
Alcohol. Many people have the habit of smoking when they drink. Tip: for soft drinks or drinking in places where it is forbidden to smoke inside. Otherwise, try to eat nuts and chips, or chewing a straw or a cocktail stick stop smoking help.
Other smokers. When friends, family and colleagues to smoke around you, it is doubly difficult to stop smoking and avoid relapses. TIP stop smoking help: The social circles need to know that it will change their habits to talk about his decision to quit. They know they will not be able to smoke when you are in the car with them or have a coffee together. In your workplace, have all their coffees with just smoke,stop smoking help do something else instead, or find non-smokers have their breaks with.
End of a meal. For some smokers, ending a meal, lighting, and the ability to waive can seem daunting. TIP: change the time after a meal with something like a piece of fruit, a dessert (healthy), a piece of chocolate,stop smoking help or gum.
Quitting smoking: Coping with symptoms of nicotine withdrawal stop smoking help
Once you stop smoking, you will experience a number of physical symptoms that your body withdraws from nicotine. Nicotine withdrawal begins rapidly, usually starts in thirty minutes to an hour of the last cigarette and peak 2-3 days later.stop smoking help Withdrawal symptoms can last from several days to several weeks and differ from one person to another stop smoking help.